About KleanTu®

Affordable Wastewater Treatment
KleanTu® LLC was established in 2016 to provide affordable, enhanced, decentralized treatment of wastewater for individual homes, residential condominiums or apartments, commercial developments, or to complement or expand the capacity of a current municipal sewer system.
Wastewater Treatment Experts
Our experienced team of wastewater treatment experts consists of engineers, scientists, and construction managers who are focused on technology development of cost-effective innovative systems to treat domestic wastewater in situations where nutrient removal is required or central sewering is not feasible.

Expanding Operations
In 2017, KleanTu® began installations of our treatment systems on the island of Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We are permitted in Massachusetts by the Department of Environmental Protection and approved by a number of local boards of health in Massachusetts. In 2022, KleanTu® expects to continue installations in Massachusetts and expand operations to other parts of the US.
Low Maintenance Systems
KleanTu®’s treatment systems are designed to meet the same discharge requirements as municipal treatment and require little maintenance. With options for remote sensing and the KleanTu® Monitoring, Operation & Maintenance (MOM)SM Plan the result is a system where you can Flush & ForgetSM.